Welcome to the Tol2kit blog

This is a forum for discussing the Tol2kit; the Lawson lab's related system; and related topics.

The Tol2kit is a set of constructs that can be used with Invitrogen's multisite Gateway recombination-based cloning system to build expression constructs in a Tol2 transposon backbone (derived from constructs from the Kawakami lab).

At present each post serves as a topic under which visitors may post comments, either commenting or asking questions. Please post with your full name and institution (not just your first name or "Anonymous"), as it is helpful for other readers to know who is asking.

To help prevent spam, word verification is turned on: you will have to do a "word recognition" task before you can post a comment.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

New Tol2kit wiki URL

We have migrated the Tol2kit wiki to a new site:


Please bookmark this for future use!  We requested that the old URL redirect to this new page, but apparently there were some (minor) issues that we hope to have sorted out shortly.  Thanks for your patience during this transition, and please let me know if there are any problems with the new site.


Unknown said...

The new site has been unresponsive for about a week... is that an issue that you guys were aware of?


Kristen Kwan said...

Dear Stephanie,

I apologize for this, our IT people have been working on this: it turns out that something about the site was corrupted. I'm not totally sure when everything will be OK again, but in the meantime, we managed to get an archived version that should work.


Thank you for your comment - we were hoping that it would be back up more quickly. I will post a general comment to the blog.


Unknown said...

thanks!!! I really appreciate all the work you guys do with this site!!